5. $GUESS Tokenomics
Token Details:
Ticker : $GUESS
Native Network : Ethereum
Max Supply : 1 Billion $GUESS tokens
Max wallet : 1%
Max buy on launch : 1%
Max transaction on sell and transfer : 0.5%
Tax Mechanism:
Every transaction, be it a buy or a sell, is subject to a 5% tax at launch. Please note that as the platform matures and grows, we anticipate reducing this tax rate, ranging from 3% to 2%. The breakdown of the tax allocation upon launch is:
3% is dedicated to Development efforts. This ensures continuous improvement, innovation, and upkeep of the platform.
1% goes towards Marketing. This allocation is vital for outreach, partnerships, and ensuring that Guess On Chain remains at the forefront of the decentralized betting space.
1% is for Proof Platform Fees. PROOF contracts are built in a way that prevents the project from performing the common scam tactics. Things like stopping you from selling the token, removing the liquidity, raising taxes past a certain threshold + more are all impossible with PROOF launched tokens.
Token Distribution:
10% : Advisors and KOLs
90% : Liquidity
Last updated